About Us


About Us

Years of professional experience
Student Visas, Immigration

We've been counselling students and professionals for the opportunities in foreign countries to achieve their dreams.

Migration plans consultancy provide a more focused and expedient visa and immigration services to our clients based in the UAE. Our dedicated team of immigration and visa consultants, uphold our commitment to consistently provide highly specialized services in the areas of migration visas, overseas business establishment, and permanent residency and resettlement.

Migration plans consultancy specializes in all immigration programs, with the main focus on economic immigration programs at the federal and provincial levels, family reunification, assistance to Canadian, Australian and German employers and foreign workers, international students and foreign entrepreneurs. We also have representatives across Europe and the USA.

  • Talk to one of our best consultant today
  • Our experts are able to find new growth


Since 1980 we have
branches all over world

We have been counselling students for educational opportunities in Foreign countries. Fusce non mi at nisl laoreet pretium. Nulla ut elementum sapien an pulvinar augue.

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